Winter means Tucson – and more!
Learning and teaching are my two favorite things. Well, except for
toffee chocolate bars and coffee
Teaching a class for a group of enthusiastic makers is one of the best parts of my life. I love meeting like-minded friends who share my passion for tinkering with all sorts of materials and making new and exciting work.
Originally Published 1-16-2018
In the feast-or-famine rhythm of my life, I am happy to report that the feast season has entered the building.
To a teaching artist, the time between late September and end of January equals a constant stream of work. Instead of getting that quiet transition into early winter, a peaceful holiday with maybe some snow, cocoa, good food and darkening days, it's just BAM, BAM BAM! For the past few weeks life has been proposals, photos, class descriptions, kit packing, tool maintenance and repair, orders, handouts, meetings and early writing deadlines 24/7. This is the time the proverbial doo-doo hits the fan, and with the arrival of Tucson I've got a severe case of non-stop run, run, run.
Believe it or not and unlike most people, I actually thrive in that kind of situation. That old saying, "If you want something done right, give it to a busy person" is my Modus Operandi. So, some quick news in bullet form:
• If you will be in Tucson, come check out my in-person classes at the JOGS Show between Jan. 28 and Jan. 31., I'd be happy to have you in class!
• If you will not be in Tucson, but would still like to take my class there, you can sign up for a live stream version of my Beachcomber's Bonanza class on Jan. 28!
• You can also take a different online class with me before Tucson, if you check out my Color on Metal with Cold Connections webcast with Alison Lee and CraftCast on Jan. 27!
•And now, some pictures of my upcoming live classes for 2018 – just to get your heart rate elevated. So, enjoy, have fun, and I will see you in the desert.