Sharing makes us human
Lapidary work can be cold, dirty and miserable
No matter how gorgeous your raw materials are, if you are uncomfortable when you work, it’s just not gonna be fun. Thanks to a good friend, my situation improved . . .
Originally published 02-23-2011
Goldsmiths are typically generous. I say typically, because I have met a few who are not, but that is their gig, and not what I'm writing about here. One of my favorite things about the whole "Social Media" phenomenon is that I can be stuck on a project or idea, and all I need to do is hop online to one of several places and it is virtually guaranteed that one of my metalhead pals will be there to answer questions, lend support, offer encouragement -- or provide an esoteric and intriguing little piece of culture or trivia that my mind or emotion can savor. Usually, that helps me get around whatever rock is in the creative river, and I can hop back to the bench and get on to more productive work.
Sharing makes us human. It is easy. It makes you feel good when you do it. And, if what you share is valuable or helpful to the other person, your good energy will return to you in the future in some way. Try it. You'll like it!
Today's tip: My good pal Michael Boyd gave me an immense gift last winter. His insight and experience made doing wintertime lapidary work in my cold studio so much more pleasant. This is elegant and simple, and obvious, however it eluded me until he told me what to do: Cut in hot water. Warm hands make cutting in winter SO much nicer!
Thank you Michael.