Another dispatch from the jewelry making frontier
Wow. Just wow!
I was extremely honored to present a demo at the prestigious AGTA Gem Fair for the MJSA Journal and my bench there was generously loaned by Gesswein Tools, so thank you, thank you, to Roger, Lauren, Lindsay, Rich and all of the support staff at AGTA for helping me get this content out there to the folks who want it. And thanks for coming if I saw you there!
Originally published 2-8-2023
I just got home from the Tucson Shows and, yahoo, we had a blast! I taught mostly full classes at the glorious Casino Del Sol/ Colors of the Stone Event and the weather and experience couldn't have been more perfect. It was great to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and restock my classroom supplies after 2 long years of not going out west to treasure hunt. I found so many inspirational materials to incorporate into demo objects and kits for my upcoming classes in 2023 and I am so stoked to make new work.
I was also very honored to present a demo at the prestigious AGTA Gem Fair for the MJSA Journal and my bench there was generously loaned by Gesswein Tools, so thank you, thank you, to Roger, Lauren, Lindsay, Rich and all of the support staff at AGTA for helping me get this content out there to the folks who want it. And thanks for coming if I saw you there!
The motto for 2023? Never Stop Learning.
On that note, you might want to quickly and decisively take peek a my upcoming workshops page, because my upcoming classes are filling fast - as in so fast that they are selling out before I get a chance to tell you about them.
I am SUPER excited about my next class in March: An all-inclusive mixed media creativity retreat for Artists Rising. This is a fun switch-up for me and I have been flexing all of my artist muscles for this one! Basically, this is a fun format for incorporating any non-traditional jewelry media you might be interested in working with that will ultimately be appropriate to be cold mounted in a 2x2-inch brooch or pendant box. We will paint, sew, weave, collage, embroider, resinate, pastel, color, print, draw, and/or whatever floats your boat with an eye toward turning your creative expressions into wearable works of art...
Sometimes, I like to break out of the jewelry maker box and create other kinds of artwork, so this class is a good way to mix it up a bit with a loose plan for eventually bringing your efforts back toward a wearable (or not). Below are some in-progress shots of what I have been up to, so enjoy, get inspired β and sign up for the retreat if you've got the winter blahs and need a creativity jump start and for someone to take care of you with great food in a beautiful, peaceful place with loads of creative fun for a few days!
We. Will. Have. Fun.
I promise I will post again shortly and with more workshop updates and sign up info. Go make something!