Welcome back!

If you clicked through the link on my old blog or Instagram feed, you have now – I hope happily – found the new home of my Materialsmithing blog which originally appeared (and still lives for a time) on WordPress, and which I began many years ago in another lifetime. The interesting thing about creating content is that sometimes it has a life beyond the moment you created it in - and I am touched that there are still faithful readers out there who read what I wrote so many years ago, and who still keep in touch today.

In this new home for Materialsmithing, you will find the “Best of the Best” of those old blogs, and I hope to get in the practice of writing and posting new content and new artworks here more often than in the past, but as you all know, life gets busy for a busy working artist, so no promises, eh?

In the works are a new book idea, adding a shop to this site, and a new group of object-making classes and workshops that are currently under construction. I will do my best to keep my word.

Anyway, enjoy, read on (again), and keep in touch.


Checking in


Another dispatch from the jewelry making frontier